Carrickvale Golf Club
Situated at Carrick Knowe Golf Course, Edinburgh, Scotland
0131 337 1932 or 07845591096
Carrickvale Senior Section
Here at Carrickvale we have a great fun Senior Section which runs as a club within the main club. It is open to all members of the main club aged 60 or over and the annual subscription is £10.
The Senior members have their own competitions and trophies and they play every second Thursday morning of the month during the summer season. During the winter months (October - March) they play once a month. Check our Fixtures Page for competition and outing dates.
To make it more fun (easier) all competitions are played from the yellow tees and play with their WHS handicap system.
They also run an annual outing which is always well supported and a very enjoyable day.
For more information or to join then please contact
Charlie Disbury 01315312758 or Andy McCreadie 07746936680